Artigues, Lawhead are Ironmen now

Congratulations to Ronnie Artigues and Joel Lawhead for completing the Ironman Florida triathlon Saturday.

Here’s Joel’s account via email:

“Ronnie finished in 13:15 and Joel finished in 14:31.

No major issues. I had a back tire flat at mile 82. My tire was slashed by some glass in the road. A race support motorcycle showed up out of nowhere and fixed it.

We both felt good this (Sunday) morning. A little soreness but able to move around fine.

Weather and water conditions were ideal. We were nervous because the day before was tropical storm conditions.

The swim was extremely crowded but we both finished around 1.5 hrs.

When I crossed the finish line the female pro champion Yvonne Van Vlerken, who must have been exhausted as well, was there handing out medals and put my medal on.

The Prince of Baharain raced which meant there was a complete royal entourage of black SUVs and security that created a lot of buzz.”

Ronnie wrote that he was headed out for a 20-minute recovery run yesterday afternoon. “Just trying to keep my legs from getting stiff.”

3 thoughts on “Artigues, Lawhead are Ironmen now

  1. See, I know I’m old, but why do I even get out of bed in the morning. Lawdy these guys deserve a round of applause. I know it’s a narcissistic endeavor, but just the sheer determination, not to mention the skill required puts me personally to shame. Congratulations to them both.

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