Serious Bread king cake featured on

Serious Bread's Christmas King Cake

Serious Bread’s Christmas King Cake

Judy Walker of Times-Picayune writes today about Serious Bread Bakery’s blueberry and cream-cheese filled king cake in the “58 days of king cakes” series.

Here’s part of what it says:
This a very neat-looking, tidy king cake: A round, rolled ring of lightly flavored, well-browned dough neatly encases massive amounts of blueberry and cream cheese filling. A small amount of white icing covered with colored sugar tops the cake. To us, the blueberries tasted exactly like blueberry pie filling. There were also generous amounts of cream cheese, but it’s hard to taste over the blueberries. This was the first king cake we’ve seen packaged on top of a sheet of foil, packaged in a nice box that will keep it safe during the 90-minute drive back from the Gulf Coast.

(Ninety minutes? Maybe if you’re eating a king cake while driving.)

Anyway, if you haven’t tasted Serious Bread’s delicious king cake, today is the day.

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