Please read this

Gail Collins of The New York Times is my favorite columnist. I still miss Molly Ivins, but Gail makes my day. This morning she slices and dices Tuesday’s election in Let’s Give Mississippi Less. Please find the column and read it. In the meantime, here’s a sampling:

“Some cuts to spending have to take place, and Mississippi is a good place to lead that charge because we are still the most conservative state in the Republic,” McDaniel told Breitbart News. Notice that he did not say that Mississippi was a good place to lead the charge because federal spending accounts for 46 percent of all the state’s revenue: defense contracts, Social Security, farm aid, highway building, you name it. Perhaps he was just being polite. But wouldn’t you think that he’d at least mention where his future constituents’ share of the cuts would come from?

And just to drive home the point, she winds the column up this way:
One thing the Mississippi Republican establishment and the Tea Party seem to agree on is that you’re not supposed to remind people that their state is way more dependent on Washington than the average food stamp recipient.