Dog days are back!

The Board of Supervisors did in fact reverse their decision to allow dogs on the beach at their meeting Monday morning. But some people haven’t gotten the word yet.

I talked with a dog owner this morning who was concerned about not being able to take her Great Dane puppy for any more beach walks. She said the dog friendly beach was one reason she moved here. (Google ‘dog friendly Mississippi beaches’ and our beach is at the top of the list.)

The vote was 4-1, with David Yarborough voting no.

Thanks to the four supervisors who amended the ordinance.

Now if we could please get the doggie bag waste station put back on the beach near Washington Street, we would appreciate it.

One thought on “Dog days are back!

  1. Doggie-waste disposal is the least they can do after inflicting that human-waste disposal station on passers-by as well as residents. Hooray for pups!!

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