Bay Council agenda: P&Z, buying water, gas prices & a birthday party

And we’re back. I took an extra day off yesterday, just because. Taking a break from social media for a few days is refreshing. You should try it. (But keep reading these posts.)

So here we are getting back to business in the new year, starting with today’s City Council meeting.

Sanitary Sewer



JANUARY 5, 2016

5:30 P.M.


Alan Hodges, CEO, Hancock Medical Center – Meet and Greet

Brennan Adam – Bikes on Beach Boulevard

Sam Atkinson – Performance Audit

Planning & Zoning Applications 

MR. & MRS. GEORGE RIVIERE – Application for Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance.  The applicants are asking for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance to allow the existing structure currently located on the property now to be used as an accessory dwelling.  The applicants’ intentions are to construct a single family residence to the front of the structure.  The new structure will meet all requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance for a single family residence.  If the Special Exception is granted, the existing structure will meet all of the following requirements set forth for an accessory dwelling.  The property is located at 956 South Beach Blvd., Parcel #153D-0-06-001.000, described as Part Lot 221A, 4th Ward, Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Mississippi.  The property is presently zoned R-4, Beach Front Residential District. Planning and Zoning recommended approval 5-0

WILLIAM ADAM – Application for Special Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance.  The applicant would like to subdivide the parcel of land into (2) two new parcels of land.  Parcel 4A will meet the minimum 75’ lot width and the minimum lot area of 10,500 square feet.   If the subdivision is granted Parcel 4B will need a variance of 600’ to the minimum square footage for the proposed 9,900 sq.   The property is located at 408 St. Charles St., Parcel #137R-0-44-045.000, described as Part 165, 4th Ward, and Parcel # 137R-0-44-045.004, described as Part 165, 4th Ward,  Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Mississippi. The property lies in an R-2, Two Family District which requires a minimum lot width of 75 feet and minimum lot area of 10,500 square feet.  Planning and Zoning recommended approval 5-0

CHRIS COCHRAN – Application for Special Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant would like to subdivide the parcel of land into (2) two new parcels of land.  Parcel 1 will meet the minimum 75’ lot width and the minimum lot area of 10,000 sq. ft. If the subdivision is granted, Parcel 2 will need a 33.16’ variances to the minimum lot width and a 1190.86 sq. ft. variance to the minimum square footage. The property is located at 211 Central Ave., Parcel #149M-2-320-169.000, described Part 36 & 37, All 38 & 39, Ballentine Subdivision, Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Mississippi. The property lies in a C-2, Commercial Neighborhood District which requires a minimum lot width of 75 feet and minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet. Planning and Zoning recommended approval 5-0

MARTHA WILSON – Application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicants’ intention is to construct an accessory structure to the side of the residence which will be used as a covered arbor. The applicant is asking for a 1’ setback to the side yard; therefore, the applicant is asking for a 4’ variance to the side yard. The property is located at 321 Carroll Ave., Parcel #149F-0-29-110.001, described Part 38, Carroll Subdivision, Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Mississippi. The property in question is zoned  R-2, Two Family District which the setback requirements are a 25’ front yard, 8’ side yard and 20’ rear yard. Planning and Zoning recommended approval 5-0 (Stipulation: must have gutters and rain spouts)


Public Forum 

New Business

Old Business

Public Hearing for 9 Pompano Circle

Purchase of wholesale water from the Hancock County Utility Authority (Resolution)

Wells and lift stations update

Natural gas prices

City Attorney contract

Council Business

City Clerk’s Report

Docket of Claims for 01-05-2015

General Fund $49,820.73

Debt Service Fund $4,934.31

Utility Operating Fund $1,856.30

Municipal Harbor Fund $667.97

Total $57,279.31

Mayor’s Report

Consent Agenda

Approve Street Closures on January 9, 2016 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. triangle at 102 Blaize Avenue and Hancock Street to allow for birthday party

Attorney’s Report

Public Forum


October 8, 2013

December 22, 2015
