Bay Council agenda: public hearing, P&Z, fireworks & tents




5:30 P.M.

Public Hearing – Recreation and Leisure Ordinance


Proclamation for Police Week

Ron Thorpe – 102 Leopold Street propane permit

Jay Fountain – Fireworks

Kathleen Johnson- Tent Ordinance

Ken Murphy – Temporary Easement on City property

Comptroller’s Report

Budget Amendments

Docket of Claims #16-012 dated 06-07-16

001 General Fund $142,098.69

005 Municipal Reserve Fund $62,946.10

200 Debt Service Fund $24,259.83

400 Utility Fund $229,885.16

450 Municipal Harbor Fund $22,120.92

650 Community Hall Unearned $3,200.00

Total $484,510.70

Refund Check Register #16-013 dated 06-07-16

Utility Operating Fund Account1 $389.58

Utility Operating Fund Account2 $724.85

Utility Operating Fund Account3 $1,203.78

Utility Operating Fund Account4 $152.00

Total $2,470.21

Planning & Zoning Applications

RON & KATHY PINN — Application for Special Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance. The applicants are asking to divide the parcel into two (2) new parcels of land. If the subdivision of land is granted, Parcel A will need a total variance of 25ft to the lot width and a total variance of 1,222 sq. ft to the minimum lot area. Parcel B will need a total variance of 25 ft. to the lot width and a total variance of 1,222 sq. ft. to the minimum lot area. The property is located on the 100 Block of Leonard Avenue, Parcel #144N-0-19-071.000, described as Lots 14-16, Block 1, Leonard Subdivision. The property lies in an R-1, Single Family District. Recommendation for approval: 4/0 (Harold Weber recused himself) (Jordan absent)

TAMMY MARSHALL BROWNSBERGER – Application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is asking for variances to two (2) non-conforming accessory structures that are currently in place on the property. The structures are indentified as Exhibit (A) and Exhibit (B). If the variance is granted, the applicant will need for Exhibit (A) a total variance to the front yard setback of 20’. They will also need for Exhibit (B) a total variance to the side yard setback of 5’. The property is located at 43 Good Street, Parcel #136P-0-37-058.000, described as 12-14, Block C, Jourdan River Isles. The property lies in an R-1, Single Family District. Recommendation for Exhibit A: Deny request 4/1 (Harold Weber against denial). Recommendation for Exhibit B: Deny request 3/2 (Manieri and Weber against denial) (Jordan absent)

MR. JAMES F. QUINTINI – Application for Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is intending to build an accessory dwelling to the rear of the property that will consist of 560 sq ft of floor area and one bedroom. If granted, the applicant will need a rear yard variance of 20ft, a side yard variance of 6ft, and a total square footage variance of 7,577sf for the accessory dwelling. The property is located at 202 Union Street, Parcel #149L-0-29-178.000, described as 2nd Ward, Lot 274, Bay Saint Louis. The property is presently zoned R-3, Multi Family District. Recommendation for approval: 5/0 STIPULATION: The structure will have guttering in place with downspouts that direct runoff water onto property owner’s property.

Public Forum (Agenda Items Only)

Engineer’s Report

Recommendation for Phase 1 Paving

B&GC extended warranty for chiller unit

New Business

RFP – City Property

Old Business

Vacation Rentals

Public Hearing for 9 Pompano Circle

Public Hearing for 212 Charters Drive

Public Hearing for 138 Felicity Street

Rental for City facilities

GRPC Nomination

Vetoes of February 16, 2016, February 22, 2016, March 8, 2016


Clerk of Council’s Report

Council Business

Mayor’s Report

Approve street closure

June 18, 2016, 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Depot Way to allow for Midsummer Night’s Dream Festival and Pageant

Attorney’s Report

Public Forum (Questions and General Information)


May 17, 2016

May 24, 2016  Recessed
