Bay Council agenda: Dan B’s, Harbor Fest, P&Z, audit fixes, etc.



OCTOBER 4, 2016

5:30 P.M.


  1. Nikki Moon – Update on Tourism
  2. Bill Cork – CEO for Hancock County Port and Harbor (rail project)
  3. Ken Murphy – Dan B. Murphy’s Restaurant & Bar construction
  4. Mike Rosato – Harbor Fest Contract
  5. Bill Pitcairn – Utility Debit Service

City Clerk’s Report

  1. Budget Amendments – Fiscal Year 2015-2016
  2. Docket of Claims dated 10-04-2016 #16-022

General Fund $188,893.26

Narcotics Task Force          $105.75

Debt Service Fund $102,575.16

Utility Fund $87,672.97

Municipal Harbor Fund $32,427.75

Total $411,674.89

Engineer’s Report

Public Forum (Agenda Items Only)

Planning and Zoning:

CARROLL AVENUE, LLC- application for Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance; representing agent is Mr. Ronnie Artigues. The applicant is asking to subdivide the two parcels of land into 6 new parcels. If granted, Parcel# 149E-0-29-073.000, which lies in an R-3 Multi Family District, will need variances to lot area of lots 1, 2, and 3; and Parcel# 149E-0-29-057.000, which lies in a C-2 Commercial Neighborhood District, will need variances to area and to lot width of each of lots 4, 5, and 6. The property in question is located at 415 Carroll Avenue and extends to the 400 block of Ulman Avenue; the two parcels listed as Parcel # 149E-0-29-057.000, described as Lot 339, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis, which lies in a C-2 Commercial Neighborhood District, and Parcel # 149E-0-29-073.000, described as 54 Carroll Subdivision, which lies in a R-3 Multi Family District. APPLICATION TABLED DUE TO LACK OF A QUORUM

THOMAS RANDLE AND ANN POCHE – application for Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is asking to divide the parcel of land into two new parcels of land. If the request is granted the applicant will need for “Parcel A” variance to the minimum lot area of 8,208 sq ft, where the required minimum lot area is 12,000 sq ft, and variance to the minimum lot width of 52.73 ft where the required minimum lot width is 100 ft; for “Parcel B” variance to the minimum lot area of 8,917 sq ft where the required lot area is 12,000 sq ft, and variance to the minimum lot width of 51.97 ft where the minimum lot width is 100 ft. The property is located at 504 Hancock Street, Parcel #149M-2-30-087.000, described as Lot 236, Third Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property lies in a R-1, Single Family District. Recommended for approval: Vote 3/0

New/Old Business

    1. Crusin’ the Coast
    2. Report on deficiencies from the audit (proof of what is being done to correct them)
    3. Naming of street/access road where the Coast Electric office is located (near Dr. Aikens’ office)
    4. Handicapped parking downtown
    5. 138 Felicity Street
    6. Planning and Zoning Nomination
    7. Civil Service Nominations
    8. Code Enforcement Report (from Les)
    9. List of Fire Department employees, shifts and rotation
    10. Permit Fee Schedule
    11. Management of Rental Buildings

Clerk of Council’s Report

  1. Documents needed

Council Business

Mayor’s Report

Consent Agenda

1.  Travel

Department: Administration

Employee: Paula Fairconnetue

Date:  Oct. 19–21, 2016

Location:  Hattiesburg, MS

Reason:  Certified Municipal Program

Sponsoring Organization:  MSU Center for Government and Community Development

Registration: $200.00

Meals: Reimbursed

Transportation: Personal Vehicle

Lodging: $170.00 

2.  Travel

Department: Council

Employee: Lisa Tilley

Date:  Oct. 18–21, 2016

Location:  Hattiesburg, MS

Reason:  Certified Municipal Program

Sponsoring Organization:  Miss. State University Extension Services

Registration: $200.00

Meals: Reimbursed

Transportation: Personal Vehicle

Lodging: $300.00 

3.  Travel

Department: Police

Employee: Nathan Corr

Date:  Oct. 16–27, 2016

Location:  Pearl, MS

Reason:  Accident Reconstruction Level III

Sponsoring Organization:  Miss. Department of Public Safety

Registration: $600.00

Meals: Provided

Transportation: City Vehicle

Lodging: Provided

4.  Ratify the Mayor’s appointment the Planning and Zoning Commission

5.  Ratify the Mayor’s appointments to the Civil Service Commission

Attorney’s Report

  1. Leisure and Recreation Ordinance

Public Forum


  1. September 20, 2016
