Bay Council agenda: P&Z, adopt noise ordinance (?) & library agreement (!)




APRIL 4, 2017

5:30 p.m.

1. Guests

a) Patrick McCloskey – Road Abandonment application (action item)

b) Cynthia Chauvin – Proclamation for C.A.S.A.

c) Deborah Sivira – American Municipal Services

d) Wes Mayley – Bay Saint Louis Participation in State Wireless Communication (action item)

2. City Clerk/Comptroller’s Report

a) Budget amendments

b) Payroll amendments

c) Cash Balances

d) Certification Letter

e) Payroll

f) Docket of Claims #16-041 dated 04-04-17

001 General Fund $193,027.49

005 Municipal Reserve Fund $46,000.00

200 Debt Service Fund $35.690.91

270 2016 Debt Service R&B Fund $50,000.00

400 Utility Fund $174,058.34

400 utility Capital & Maintenance Fund $11,365.95

450 Municipal Harbor Fund $105,082.93

650 Community Hall Unearned $1,200.00

Total $616,425.62

g) Docket of Claims #16-042 dated 04-05-17

6338 Hancock Bank Corporate Trust Services $1,400.00

Total $1,400.00

3. Public Forum (Agenda Items Only)

4. Planning and Zoning

a) HOLLY LEMOINE-RAYMOND – Application for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is asking to install a 6’ in height wood fence on the front yard property line fronting on State Street where a 4’ fence in height is allowed. The applicant will need a total variance to the fence height to the front yard property line of 2’; and a total variance to the front yard setback for the placement of a 6’ in height fence of 21’, giving a front yard setback of 4’. The property in question is located at 200 Dunbar Avenue and the corner of State Street; Parcel 149E-0-29-183.002, described at Part Lot 165, Cazeneuve & Bordages Subdivision & Parcel 149E-0-29-239.000, described as Lot 470-A, 1st Ward, Bay Saint Louis. The Property is zoned an R-3, Multi Family District. Recommend approval 4/0 (LeBlanc recused)

b) PATRICK TUCKER – Application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is asking for a variance to the fence ordinance to install a 7 foot in height wooden fence where a 6 foot in height fence is allowed by right. The applicant will meet the required front yard setback for placement of a 6 foot in height fence. The

property in question is located at 230 Washington Street; Parcel 149M-2-30-124.000, described as Lot 318C, 3rd Ward, Bay Saint Louis. The property is zoned R-2, Two-Family District. Recommend approval 5/0

c) DENISE BERGERON – Application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant’s intention is to construct a single family residence on this parcel of land. The residence will front on Ballentine Street. The applicant is requesting a total variance to the minimum front yard fronting on Hancock Street of 17’, resulting in a front yard setback of 8’, and requesting a total variance to the minimum front yard fronting on Ballentine Street of 5’ resulting of a front yard setback of 20’. The property in question is located at 123 Ballentine Street and the corner of Hancock Street; Parcel 149N-0-30-060.000, described as 4th Ward, Lot 24F, Bay St. Louis. The property is zoned R-1, Single Family District. Recommend approval 5/0

d) MR. REGAN KANE – Application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant’s intention is to build a single family residence. The applicant will need a total variance to the front yard setback of 10ft resulting in a front yard setback of 15ft. The property in question is located at 304 Ballentine Street; Parcel 149N-0-30-100.00 described as Mrs. John Fayard Subdivision, Parcel 149N-0-30-099.000, described as Lot 23, (Business) Mrs. John Fayard Subdivision, and Parcel 149N-0-30-098.003, described as Part 21, Mrs. John Fayard Subdivision. The property lies in an R-2 District. Recommend approval 5/0

e) SANDRA B WYATT – Application for Special Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant would like to change the configuration of two parcels of land into two new parcels of land. If the subdivision is granted the newly created Parcel 1 will need a total variance to the lot width of 25.10ft, resulting in a lot width of 74.90ft, and a total variance to the minimum lot area of 3,536sq ft, resulting in a lot area of 8,464 sq ft; newly created Parcel 2 will need a total variance to the lot width of 25.09ft, resulting in a lot width of 74.91ft, and a total variance to the minimum lot area of 3,536sq ft, resulting in a lot area of 8,464sq ft. The property in question is located on Fiber Street; Parcel 136L-0-37-043.000, described as Lots 22&23, Block D, Jourdan River Isles, and Parcel 136L-0-37-043.001, described as Lot 24, Block D, Jourdan River Isles. The property lies in an R-2, Single Family District. Recommend approval 5/0

a) JEANNE & JOHN BAXTER/BAXTER INVESTMENTS, LLC – Application for Special Subdivision and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicants are asking to change the configuration of (3) three parcels of land into (2) parcels of land. Parcel 2 will meet all requirements set forth for Subdivision Regulations for the R-2 zoning district. However, if the Subdivision of Property is granted, Parcel 1 will need a total variance to the minimum lot area of 2,200sf resulting in a lot area of 9800sf, and a total variance to the minimum lot width of 2’, resulting in a lot width of 98’. The property in question is located at 126 Ulman Avenue and 133 Carroll Avenue; Parcel 149F-0-29-104.000 described as Lot 18 B, Carroll Subdivision, Parcel 149F-0-29-084.000, described as Lot 322B, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis, and Parcel 149F-0-29-085.000, described as Lot 322C, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property fronting on Carroll Ave is zoned R-2, Two Family Residential District. The property fronting on Ulman Ave is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential District. Recommend approval 5/0

b) MARGRETTA BOWMAN – Application for Special Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is asking to subdivide this parcel of land into (7) seven new parcels of land and a parcel identified as a “Common Area”. Parcels 1,2,3,4 and7 and the parcel identified as the “Common Area” will meet all requirements set forth for Subdivision of Property. If the subdivision of property is granted, Parcel 5 will need a total variance to minimum lot width of 100’ resulting in a proposed lot width of 0’; Parcel 6 will need a total variance to the lot width of 100’ resulting in a lot width of 0’. The property is located on the corner of Oliver Street and Blue Meadow Road; Parcel 137B-1-42-014.000, described as Part of JB Lardasse Claim, Section 42-8-14, Hancock County. The property lies in an R-1, Single Family Residential District. Recommend approval 5/0

5. Engineer’s Report

a) City Projects Update

6. Council/New/Old Business

a) Adoption of Noise Ordinance

b) Bay Saint Louis Library Agreement

c) 3 way stop sign at Ulman Street and Seminary Road

d) Safe Routes to School Grant – Washington Street connection to Old Spanish Trail Sidewalk Project

7. Clerk of Council’s Report

a) Documents needed

8. Mayor’s Report

a) Consent Agenda

 Reclassification and salary change for Police Department

b) Discussion

 Report on City Council Minutes

9. Attorney’s Report

a) 212 Charters – Updated Costs for Demolition

10. Public Forum

11. Executive Session

a) Coastwood Products (Bill Adam) – zoning ordinance

12. Minutes

a) March 21, 2017

b) March 24, 2017 Special

13. Adjourn