P&Z Commission: how they voted

The Bay St. Louis Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing Tuesday, Jan. 30. Here’s how they voted:

FRED W. LISTER – application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is asking for a variance to the west side yard for an accessory structure that has already been constructed. The applicant will need a total variance of 1’ resulting in a 4’ setback to the west side yard. The property in question is located at 205 Seventh Street; Parcel# 137L-0-35-151.000, described as lot 33-36, Block39, Bay St. Louis Land and Improvement Company. The property is zoned R-1, Single Family District. DENIED 6/0

MICHAEL J JENNINGS – application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicants’ intent is to construct a new single family residence on this parcel of land. The applicant is asking for a variance of 5’ resulting in a total of 15’ setback to the rear yard. The property in question is located at 116 Bookter St; Parcel# 149L-0-29-187.000, Lot 7, 3rd Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family District. ACCEPT 6/0

MICHAEL J JENNINGS – application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant’s intention is to build a carport/storage building to the rear of the property. The applicant is asking for a variance of 2’resulting in a total of 3’ setback to the rear yard. The property in question is located at 131 Keller St; Parcel# 149L-0-30-200.000, Lot 60B, 3rd Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family District. ACCEPT 5/2 DOESCHER, LEWIS

PAMELA K. CAMBRE – application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant’s intention is to build a single family structure on the land. The applicant is asking for a variance of 2’ resulting in a total setback of 23’ to the front yard. In addition the applicant is asking for a variance of 4’ resulting in a 16’ setback to the rear yard. The property in question is located at 231 Thomas Street; Parcel# 144N-0-19-028.000, Lots 12 thru 17, Henrietta Subdivision. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family District. ACCEPT 7/0

JAMES MACPHAILLE – application for Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant’s intention is to do a commercial business which will be a drive thru coffee shop. The applicant is asking for a Special Exception to allow a drive thru which will be used as in ingress and egress for the business. The coffee shop is allowed by right in a C-1 District and would fit the category as described in Section 621: CHART OF USES FOR ALL ZONING DISTRICTS, as Drive through facility which is allowed by Special Exception. The property is located at 207 Main St. and extends to North Second St; Parcel #149F-0-29-316.001, Part 528, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis. Parcel #149F-0-29-317.003, Part 486 & 530, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property is zoned C-1 Central Business District.  ACCEPT 7/0

RONALD THORP – application for Special Subdivision Plat Approval and Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant would like to change configuration of the two parcels of land into two new parcels. The newly created parcels will meet the required 100’ lot width, however if the subdivision of property is granted, Parcel two will need a variance of 7,384sf resulting in a total of 7,616sf to the lot area. In addition Parcel one will need a variance of 15’ resulting in a total of 20’ to the rear yard. The property in question is located at 102 Leopold St. and extends to North Beach Blvd; Parcel #149C-0-19-006.000, Lot 140 A, B & Part 143, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis. Parcel #149C-0-19-007.000, Part 140, 94 x 120, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family District. ACCEPT 7/0

MCDONALD INVESTMENT – application for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance. Applicant’s intention is to construct a single family residence. The applicant will need a variance of 3ft resulting in a total of 5’ setback to the west side yard. The property in question is located at 107 McDonald Lane; Parcel# 149F-0-29-336.000, Lot 259-262, A&B, 1st Ward, Bay St. Louis. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family District. ACCEPT 7/0

WILLIAM ADAM – application for text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Applicant is asking to amend section 621 – CHART OF USES. Chart of Uses is available for review upon request. The reason for the amendment is the specific provision(s) of the Ordinance involved are (B) Change in Conditions and (C) Increase in Need in Sites. The property in question is located on Central Avenue and extends to Third Street; Parcel# 137R-0-44-067.000, Lot 197, 4th Ward, Bay St. Louis, JO-444/446, K3-292, 20-49. The property lies in two zoning districts, I-2, Planned Industrial District and R-3, Multi-Family District, front on Third Street. ACCEPT 7/0