Streaming, on a Sunday afternoon

It’s been about six months since I cut the cord and went streaming full time. Life without cable, commercials and futile channel surfing has been fine, thanks very much. I’ve carved out a routine for watching news programs online, my favorite programs with Apple TV (especially PBS) and movies with Netflix. My Netflix subscription is…

I feel bad about LinkedIn

You can call me a dedicated social media fan. I’m crazy for Twitter, slightly cooling to Facebook and learning Instagram. And I have to be careful with Pinterest or else I’ll forget to fall asleep. But LinkedIn, not so much. It’s hard to say why I never got involved with the “world’s largest professional network.”…

Don’t know much about history

Sister Leonie tried her best in history class at St. Joseph Academy to hold our attention, but I just wasn’t interested, sorry to say. I don’t even remember taking a history class at college. Hmm. Not sure what kind of student Ken Burns was in high school but he sure has the talent to make…

No cable. No problem.

It’s been two and a half months since I cut the cable cord. Time flies when you don’t have to click through silly sitcoms and constantly mute commercials. I admit, it was odd at first not having the familiar lineups available, but distractions helped during the transition. For example, I’m back on tour with Tiger…